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Outlined below are a few common questions that are asked of Cheeky Boners fairly regularly. Before you get in contact please check first to see if your question has already been answered.

How do I download a wallpaper from Cheeky Boners?
On each wallpaper page there is a blue button underneath the image that says ‘Download Original Wallpaper’. If you click this the photo will open in a new tab/window. Once loaded, right-click and Save-As. If you are using a tablet or phone, press-and-hold the image until the menu appears.

In your operating system settings, there is usually a Desktop section where you can change your wallpaper. Or often, if you locate the file and right-click, there is sometimes the option of setting as the desktop background from there.

Can I download all photos in one zip file?
I’m afraid not. Cheeky Boners uses the highest quality images which are by their nature, quite large. Given the archive runs into the tens-of-thousands, one zip file containing all photos would be unmanageable and ridiculously large.

Can I advertise on Cheeky Boners?
Yes, please head over to JuicyAds to see available slots and prices. Cheeky Boners currently has two positions for adverts; just below the content and above the related wallpaper on each image page, and also in all right-side sidebars. The sidebar advert position is under other content but remains sticky once the visitor has scrolled down.

Is it possible to exchange links with my own site and Cheeky Boners?
Currently no, but do get in contact anyway and include the URL you wish to link to. In the future this is something that could be implemented.

How can I show my support for Cheeky Boners?
You can show your support for Cheeky Boners in a variety of ways. If you happen to run a site of your own you can link to us and say some encouraging words. You could even take a step further and review Cheeky Boners. As long as you’re respectful and constructive, comments and critiques are more than welcome. And at some point, your curator will get around to adding a donate button, where you will be able to support the site’s server costs.

What do all the terms and strange words mean?
If you come across a term on CheekyBoners and want to know what it means, the chances are it is listed on the jargon page, which contains useful definitions and examples of many words associated with the website.

Are you gay/bisexual?
The Curator is a bisexual guy and doesn’t adhere to the 100% straight/gay thing. People are somewhere on a sliding scale between the two, and the Curator is probably somewhere around the 65% gay mark, although this probably changes like the wind. The Curator also has a thing about the feminine look and often dresses in thongs, panties, short skirts and thigh highs.

Dude, you have a cute ass, where can I see more?
Thank you, you make me blush. Just follow the Curator category.

Can I create an account and submit my own wallpapers?
I’m afraid not. Cheeky Boners is a personal project of the curator and currently there are no plans to allow others to contribute. If you have come across an image that you think fits with the theme of the site, then by all means use the contact form and paste the URL in before sending.

I think it’s disgusting you are publishing images of nude male genitalia on the Internet. You should be burned on the stake [or words to that effect].
Thank you for your opinion. Whatever you do, never look down when you are in the shower. And also, nobody is asking you to visit Cheeky Boners. With a title such as it is, how did you even arrive here in the first place?

How do I request the removal of an image or to be given credit?
Please use the contact form to get in touch. Copy and paste the URL (from your browser’s address bar) and give as much information as possible. Please allow 3-7 days for changes to take effect.

Header Image: A Perfect Wet & Hard Boner

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